UKSD Gold Scent Detection (Feb 2024)
UK Sniffer Dogs Gold Level Scent Detection
Service Description
The Gold Scent Detection course will help you and your dog add more scents to your established scent library, and keep working on the tasks you've already learned, while adding in another level of fun! This workshop is suitable for all dogs including puppies, senior dogs, dogs with disabilities and reactive dogs. Dogs and handlers must have completed UKSD Bronze and Silver Scent Detection levels before booking onto the Gold level course. There are two options for these workshops, the first session from 09:30 - 10:30 is for the social dogs who are happy to meet and greet each other. The second session from 10:45 - 11:45 is for the dogs and handlers who need a little more space. Please indicate in the booking form which session you think your dog would be best suited for. The course is spread over 4 weekends at 60 minutes each week, with each session limited to a max. of 4 dogs. *Please note the booking confirmation will state 09:30 - 10:30 but this will depend on the session you are booked for.
Contact Details
Little Neston